Cancel and Refund an Order
Cancel and Refund an Order
Click on Orders
Select the ID for the order you wish to cancel and/or refund
In the Main Tab
Change the Status to cancelled
From the drop down menu, select Cancelled and then click on Update Status.
Go into the Cart
Click on the minuscule icon to initiate refund
Do this for each item in the cart that needs to be refunded. If you’re cancelling an order, every item will need to be refunded.
After clicking on the minuscule icon, if the removal was successful, a line will be drawn through the item.
Click on Txns (Transactions) tab
Select Refund
You’ll notice the amount in the box to the right of the transaction will now have a negative symbol, “-“. Click on the Refund button to process the refund and finalize the cancellation.
A successful refund will look like this. You will see the initial charge at the bottom, with the refund just above. The red number in parenthesis indicates a refund. You can also see what kind of charge it is on the left under Type.